A New Black Horse NGK, New Benchmark for Future Blockchain Development

4 min readJul 14, 2020


On the blockchain market, there has been no lack of original views and views of people. Some would think that the public-chain bubble is about to burst, and most of the public-chain projects on the market have taken a year or two to find out what the real needs of users are, and not to make decent products. Compared with the entrepreneurial team “holding blockchain frontier technology, looking for landing scenario”, the Internet giant is following the situation step by step, sitting on a large number of users, relying on funds, talent, technology, experience and other resources to find the pain point of traditional industries, and solve with new technology, resulting in a great many of resource-deficient blockchain projects in silence.

NGK blockchain

What is the key to the future of the blockchain project when the giant quickly squeezes out the shrinking space? Many people regard it’s an economic incentive to encrypt money. In essence, the essence of the blockchain is public ownership, anyone can provide services, anyone can enjoy services, and economic incentives are only one of the means to achieve public ownership.

In current background, many blockchain projects are mostly in the economic mechanism design, with more efforts in marketing, while less in the product itself, but strength is the basis of everything.

The upstart NGK blockchain is combined with bottom technology and upper application, NGK layouts blockchain ecological application scenarios, which will achieve virtual and real combination in new energy, biotechnology, sports, finance, red wine, entertainment, blockchain, real estate, to construct a real blockchain. At the same time, it realizes shared flow, mutual supports and common growth in each application.

NGK blockchain

At the technical level, NGK.IO is released in blockchain underlying technology open source, with Turing complete smart contract, supporting millions of level applications on board, which is the blockchain 3.0 certification economy representative masterpiece. Launched by USA International Covenant, developed by the world’s top Silicon Valley technology team, it is a blockchain platform based on blockchain underlying technology, through a DPOS consensus mechanism, it will vote through the entire network of 21 super nodes, with faster transaction processing speed, presenting high performance, high security, high speed access and efficient operation.

An adaptive block-chain consensus algorithm is provided by NGK.IO blockchain, which highly efficient in the case of good network condition, no node fault or fraud, and can accurately detect node fault or node fraud; when the node fault or fraud is detected, the system automatically enables the Byzantine fault-tolerant algorithm characteristics to ensure that the fault-tolerant node is less than one third of the total number of nodes and the system works properly; when all failed nodes are fixed or Byzantine fault-tolerant nodes are resolved, all node data can be completely consistent, automatically cut back to the efficient algorithm. The adaptive algorithm ensures the efficient concurrent processing of the alliance chain for most of the time, and deals with the node error accurately.

NGK blockchain

NGK digital token is an endogenous settlement bridge within the NGK.IO blockchain technology. NGK.IO is divided into three broad categories, namely NGK native tokens, arithmetic stable coin USDN, Token created by developers. NGK, as the main native token on the NGK.IO platform, is used for super node block out reward and candidate node voting reward, transaction fee, side-chain index fee, pledge vote, etc.

As an algorithmic stable currency, USDN is valued at about $1, generated by smart contracts that simulate central banks increasing or tightening the money supply to maintain relative stability in currency prices. On NGK.IO other platform, developers can create Token, build their own Token models and incentives.

A portion of Token on the platform will be used to motivate builders, participants, developers, users and a variety of business applications, digital assets, points exchange. Within the ecosystem! NGK.IO will take the applied token as the basic development strategy, leading the new pattern of global payment.

NGK blockchain

In NGK.IO’s future ecological construction, it will also carry out diversified sustainable development, committed to NGK the construction of new models of international markets, the international construction of global financial payments, the development of NGK Wallet multi-chain wallets, the creation of NGK financial derivatives exchanges, the promotion of community culture and NGK.IO financial incubation projects.

In August, NGK’s main network is about to shock the line! Here’s an enter chance to NGK, open the future of the blockchain.




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