how does NGK original anonymous P2P communication network protect the privacy of users?
With the ever-growing technology, network security and privacy communication have been paid more and more attention. Particularly in blockchain network, due to the integrity, availability, authenticity of blockchain networks, it cannot meet the demand for privacy protection scenarios, which forces the current market projects to add anonymous features, which in turn, is most praised for NGK original anonymous P2P communication technology.
Safer decentralized structural design
Peer-to-peer network (P2P), also known as point-to-point technology, is an internet system which has no central server and relies on group (peers) to exchange information. Its function is to reduce the nodes in the previous network transmission to alleviate the risk of data loss. Unlike a central network system with a central server, each client of a peer network is both a node and a server function, and any node cannot directly find other nodes, and must rely on its household group for information exchange. P2P nodes can spread all over the network, so that which have been widely used in the network privacy requirements and file sharing field.
Anonymous communication refers to the technique of hiding the communication relationship in the flow through certain methods, so that the eavesdropper cannot directly know or infer the communication relationship between the two parties or the communication party. Anonymous communications are widely used, such as privacy protection, anonymous mail, instant messaging, e-voting, online browsing and military communications.
NGK.IO blockchain system is designed to implement the method of node anonymous access, and the private encrypted communication protocol is adopted, which greatly enhances the anonymity of nodes in the underlying communication network, and ensures that the communication between sub-nodes is difficult to be tracked and cracked. In the meantime, the P2P technology is used to solve the problem of excessive investment and complex management of system services. Through distributed ideas, trust and resources are managed in a decentralized way, while ensuring anonymity, it greatly improves efficiency and prevents audit.
In practice, in addition to encrypting the communicator and content anonymity, NGK blockchain also combines trusted computing technology to control the whole communication process from the bottom layer in the trusted execution environment. When the data needs to flow between the TEE of the trusted execution environment, remote authentication is used to ensure the identity of the user and the credibility of the trusted execution environment, so as to prevent the node content from being tampered with in the actual communication process. Key technology and remote verification technology in trusted execution environment can guarantee the absolute security of communication level. Each communication inside and outside the trusted execution environment needs the unique key generated within the trusted execution environment for legitimacy verification. Then in each data computing task, we need to combine the trusted execution environment hardware key, one-time session key, blockchain consensus, user authentication and other multi-level security verification to ensure the end-to-end communication security during the task execution.
At the anonymous transaction level, the NGK.IO system combines the characteristics of traditional encrypted virtual currency, through zero knowledge proof and ring signature, more efficient and excellent security transaction anonymity and privacy protection methods to meet the privacy protection needs of different application scenarios! zero knowledge proof means that the certifier can convince the verifier that a certain assertion is correct without providing any useful information to the verifier. Zero knowledge proof is widely used in cryptography. Ring signature is a kind of simplified group signature, only ring members in the ring signature have no management, without the cooperation between ring members, and can achieve safe payment in anonymous environment.
Nowadays, privacy has been laid more stress, NGK, with its strong privacy, anonymity, and high performance and multi-scenario scalability, has inspired more and more developers to quickly join the NGK ecology to develop and create. NGK will also build a new global business ecology, so that people can freely participate in this new economic ecology, such a prospect is undoubtedly worth all expectations!