NGK London global roadshow, SPC promotes the innovation of global digital finance

3 min readJan 15, 2021


Recently, the NGK global roadshow has ended in London, the capital of the United Kingdom. This roadshow has the honor of inviting the great master, Freud from the Western Europe; Paulis on behalf of NGK; and the representative of UK community and its surrounding countries, Martinez. There were dozens of participants presented.

At the beginning of the roadshow, the UK roadshow speaker, Mark delivered an opening speech. Mark said that with the development of blockchain, London has gradually become the center of the blockchain industry as the city itself is one of the top five financial centers in the world. I believe that with the support of the dual centers, the development of the UK blockchain industry will become better and better.

SPC airdrop

The Western European blockchain expert, Freud agreed with this statement. He added that there are 75 blockchain projects in Europe and 29 in England, which is more than 3% of the total. There are 41 cryptocurrency exchanges in Europe, the United Kingdom accounts for 23. The blockchain in England is mainly focused on finance and construction. The NGK technology will play an important role in many fields such as power energy, construction, financial system, etc. relying on its encryption and immutability characteristics. Also, the NGK is currently issuing the new side chain token, SPC, and its new eye-catching airdrops. At present, NGK plans to issue a maximum supply of 100 million SPCs, and the number of this airdrop is 2 million. As usual, the SPC side chain token airdrops will be weighted by the number of NGK account holdings.

SPC airdrop

At the roadshow conference, one of the organizers, NGK, will speak on behalf of Paulis. This new SPC side-chain airdrop will recreate the grand occasion of BGV. At present, the concept of blockchain is highly internationalized and popularized, covering different societies, power, from science and industry to government. At the same time, a variety of problems have emerged due to the different understandings, definitions, expectations, and interests. The reason is the limitation of understanding of blockchain, it pays too much attention to the difference of technology itself and chain. In order to break through and surpass the concept of “chain”, we should implement the concepts of “group”, “collection”, and “cluster” instead to get a complete picture of the blockchain.

SPC airdrop

During the roadshow conference, Paulis, as one of the organizers, delivered a keynote speech entitled “Methods and Paths of Digital Transformation of the Real Economy” on behalf of NGK. Paulis said: “No matter how innovative digital finance is, it will ultimately serve the real economy. The main innovative services are currency payments, supply chain finance, and capital markets. The digitalization will be an inevitable trend in the development of human society, and thus, banks in the future will be able to manage both tokens and fiat currencies. Our country has entered today’s era. By leading the changes, we can truly break through and overtake the trend, so that the finance and the real economy can develop better.” The NGK will be launching more related products of BGV and SPC to promote the innovation of global digital finance.

