The grand opening of NGK global blockchain technology application’s conference and roadshow

3 min readAug 22, 2020


The blockchain technology is a breakthrough especially when various industries are facing the issue of limited resources. As a new generation of disruptive technology applications, blockchain has become the hottest topic now. In order to help the global users to further explore into the nature, development trend, and industry applications of blockchain technology, the conference and roadshow of NGK global blockchain technology application are officially started.

NGK Global roadshow

The global tour starts from Silicon Valley, then Los Angeles, and ends in London. The conference provides information about blockchain and invites the technology experts around the world, to enable a meaningful discussion among all the experts, scholars, technical representatives and representatives of other industries to express their views to the current development trend of blockchain technology, as well as the challenges and opportunities they face.

Judging from the road show held in Silicon Valley, it was packed. Stephen Connolly, the associate professor at Hampton University, first gave a speech and shared the progress of the project. He said, “NGK is an efficient commercial distributed application platform, with a complete Turing smart contract, and a unique DPOSS consensus mechanism, which has the advantages in enterprise-level distributed applications.” Stephen emphasized that with the rich experience and extensive resources of the Spirit Stone team in the blockchain, it is believed that NGK will become the world’s top blockchain project.

NGK roadshow

By end of the speech, a roundtable discussion with the theme of “Blockchain Development” was held. Alessio Yakovenko, the founder of BIO; Cecilio Duccio, the head of STAKO operations; Flavio Gaetano, the head of Umbert Japan; Mariicielo Paolo, the system designer of Milo; and Silvio Ricci, the chief architect of Dante, analyzed and predicted the current status of the blockchain and how it should go next.

Silvio Ricci believes that there are already various types of blockchain on the market. Aside from the scalability problem, interoperability is another issue that must be solved. In the future, the blockchain should not be isolated, but rather, communication and cooperation shall be enhanced to connect the dots and form a more open context for the Internet of blockchain.

NGK roadshow

This view was recognized by everyone and in a later session, the guests expressed their opinions on the development of the blockchain industry and the future commercial applications. They have conducted more in-depth exchanges and discussions and leading the event to a climax.

It was a great event. While discussing the current status and development of blockchain technology, the representatives of all parties had a positive view on the prospects and future of blockchain technology, which drawing a “blueprint for a new economy”. We shall collaborate with the firmest attitude and conviction to promote the dawn.

