The ultimate goal of NGK is to provide guarantee for the commercial landing of global consumption scenarios

3 min readOct 13, 2020


Since the introduction of Bitcoin, token has continuously impacted human society in terms of finance, commerce, entertainment, culture, and property rights. At the same time, blockchain has also influenced all aspects of human civilization.

Throughout history, we could draw a conclusion that no matter how technology develops, how advanced civilization is, how mature the social system is, the problems of wealth balancing and equality have never been fundamentally resolved. However, the emergence of the NGK blockchain is expected to solve this problem.

NGK blockchain

NGK blockchain is a commercial blockchain built by the Spirit Stone team in three years’ time. In order to continue the commercial development and concept, NGK technical team uses multiple blockchain technologies to build the world’s leading smart, highly reliable, and circulated blockchain digital asset payment ecosystem based on its understanding of the payment and the banking industry.

The global financial system of NGK will apply its new bottom technology to fully adapt the blockchain technology in the traditional finance, cryptography, smart contracts, proof of rights and interests, artificial intelligence, global trade, financial payments, etc., from a technical level. The current traditional asset payment ecology is undergoing a revolution. NGK financial payment will achieve the followings:

Fast payment

NGK transactions can be carried out automatically. The funds are deposited in the account immediately and the payment can be completed within a few seconds

Lower payment cost

NGK does not belong to anyone. The payment cost is lower and the merchant who receives the payment could save many intermediate costs.


Based on the underlying decentralized platform, the individuals or financial institutions can be better served.

NGK blockchain

NGK adopts a dual-token model. NGK as the native token, is the transportation hub of the entire blockchain, which could be used for payment and mortgage of required resources, transfer fees, etc.; while the stablecoin USDN can be used to purchase the hash power for mining and the global payment settlement. NGK and USDN are the medium tokens in the NGK ecosystem. They build a new decentralized financial ecosystem based on the blockchain technology. In this ecosystem, NGK and USDN can perform online global financial settlement and other businesses, as well as offline global payments and circulation.

The total issuance of NGK is constant at 1 billion units and it will never reissue. In the income model, it adopts token holding income, promotion income, and mining income models to ensure that users have a multiple investment experience. At the same time, it opposes the monopoly of major investors. This protects the interests of common investors and creates a reliable investment value.

NGK blockchain

NGK circulates freely in the NGK ecosystem to meet the daily financial needs of financial payment, foreign exchange settlement, lending, P2P and other financial needs. Therefore, the owners or users of NGK can enjoy the convenience brought by the digital age.

NGK works together to promote the development of the blockchain industry through the underlying platform + wallet + exchange + community + global financial payment. The ultimate goal of NGK is to provide the guarantee for the free payment in global consumption, create a closed-loop digital asset ecosystem and global digital payments. In addition, it also aims to introduce the era of large-scale digital asset commercialization.

