What is NGK basechain?

3 min readJul 21, 2020


What is NGK basechain? Before answer this question, let’s first introduce the concept of the underlying chain. basechain is a kind of blockchain platform, which can store, verify, transfer and communicate network data without relying on third party, through its own distributed nodes, and provide all kinds of development protocols and tools at the bottom, which is convenient for developers to develop all kinds of DAPP quickly on this platform.

NGK basechain

basechain applications have three major blockchain projects: Bitcoin, ETH, and EOS, and basically all blockchain projects are basechains. Hence, NGK basechain is NGK blockchain.

NGK blockchain is a blockchain dominated by open source, open and ecological. It is a completely new open blockchain platform that allows anyone to establish and adopt decentralized applications running through blockchain technology in the platform; allows users to create complex operations according to their own wishes and can serve as platforms for multiple types of decentralized blockchain applications.

NGK blockchain innovatively introduces the user-node distributed network structure in decentralization technology, all users will automatically have a unique node identity calculated through the Hash algorithm, to form node link communication through the node identity. The communication between all nodes automatically generates the corresponding NGK transaction and broadcasts to the NGK main network. This communication chain technology ensures that the information can not be tampered with on the basis of keeping anonymous, while making the link communication of the whole network node to be effective all the time.

NGK basechain

Compared with other mainstream blockchains, the advantages of NGK blockchain include:

1.Super fragmented node, any individual, smartphone, company, enterprise and so on can participate;

2.Completely decentralized, running for 21 super nodes to manage NGK main network ecology;

3.Never produce bitcoin-like computing power centralization, 49% fault tolerance of malicious node, which is the largest fault tolerance of all consensus algorithms;

4. Operate TPS at least 5,000+, with 3 seconds for block production, transfer confirmation for only 1.5 seconds, which will not produce bifurcation.

NGK basechain

As an infrastructure blockchain oriented to the digital economy era, NGK blockchain aims to optimize the strategic layout of NGK in different time periods and different fields by using blockchain technology to create an excellent ecosystem for NGK in the digital age. Allow developers to run servers at no more cost, and allow users to use their devices to be called nodes and run DAPP applications, thus achieving the true sense of blockchain in building blockchain optimization.

The emergence of NGK as a representative of the new-generation blockchain after BTC、ETH、EOS marks the new era of blockchain.




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