The blockchain connects each block and links these blocks in an orderly manner to form a blockchain. The block in the blockchain is the sum of the transaction data. Each block has its own unique mark. It can verify and store the data through the structure of the block and chain.
A single block depends on the blockchain type in which the block is located, as well as the blocks on the right and left of the block. Take NGK as an example, NGK blockchain stores details of all transactions that have been completed in the NGK network. These transactions usually include NGK sender, NGK receiver and the number of each NGK. Each NGK block has a unique hash, and if the block is changed, the hash changes.
Hash is unique, when the NGK block is created, the hash value is calculated. The hash can identify a particular NGK block and its components, and the hash value also acts as a link in the NGK blockchain. Changing anything inside a NGK block, or even a single character, not only causes the hash value to change, but the block is also treated as a “new” block.
Since the hash is not the only component that helps prevent tampering, it is possible for the hacker to recalculate the hash of the surrounding block so that the NGK blockchain is valid again. Therefore, another necessary component, DPOSS consensus algorithm, is needed to help NGK this blockchain to prevent a large number of malicious hackers.
DPOSS consensus algorithm has short block time, safety and strong ability to resist bifurcation. When the block producer produces the first new block, the block producer signs the block and broadcasts it to the other block producers, and the other nodes sign it and return it to the node the block becomes an irreversible block connected in series to the previous blockchain.
NGK blockchain adopts the decentralized structure design, and realizes the safe operation of the main network through the consensus algorithm mechanism.