As we all know, TPS has always been one of the crucial indicators to measure the performance of blockchain projects. TPS full name is Transaction PerSecond, simply, it is the throughput of the system, representing the average number of transactions that the system can handle per second.
In terms of blockchain development, blockchain 1.0 represents bitcoin, mainly bearing the function of payment and value acceptance. It is the simplest transfer payment function on the bitcoin network, without smart contracts or programming. TPS can only complete 5 to 7 transactions per second.
For Blockchain 2.0 represented by ETH, we can program a desired function based on actual business requirements, which means a decentralized DApp application. But ETH has 20 transactions per second TPS, making it difficult to achieve large-scale applications, and frequently resulting in network breakdown, so that the blockchain in the high value of high concurrent business areas is unimplementable.
To solve the problems faced by 1.0 and 2.0, the goal of blockchain 3.0 to achieve millions of TPS is proposed. The current market that can truly achieve millions of TPS public blockchain is extended on the basis of EOS 3.0 public blockchain.
Then how do NGK achieve the goal of millions of TPS?
Silicon Valley blockchain technology
Secure Background High Strength
DPOSS consensus mechanisms are more advantageous
First of all, NGK reduces the complexity of the consensus algorithm. It is known that that the lower the complexity of algorithm, the shorter the calculation time under the same hardware conditions. NGK adopts the DPOSS consensus mechanism to replace the POW consensus mechanism, the global distributed 21 block producers can coordinate to perform rapid transaction verification, which also ensure that NGK can satisfy the user experience of most blockchain business application scenarios.
At the same time, compared with other blockchain systems, NGK block is expanded in capacity. NGK uses the status channel as the expansion scheme, while the status channel as a more general payment channel can be used not only for payment, but also for any status update on the blockchain, like changing the internal state of the smart contract.
In addition, NGK includes segment technology, multi-chain architecture to help solve TPS speed problems. NGK segment technology allows each node to process only part of the transaction at the same time, such as part of the transaction initiated by the account, thus reducing the computing and storage burden of the node. The idea of NGK multi-chain architecture is to divide the original one chain into multiple chains, each of which is responsible for partial computing and storage services, and has scalability, that is, the number of chains can rise with the business and data increase, the overall performance of the system enhances with the number of chains, and the storage space of the system can expand with the growth of the number of chains.
With abundant capital and R&D strength, as well as a huge user base and flow, the ecology of NGK with millions of TPS is bound to blossom in various fields. NGK will also make progress in the comprehensive optimization of concurrency, blockchain structure, safety performance and so on, so as to better meet the future market demand.